Beyond Ordinary HyperQ®

A Q-learner Without State Limits

Looking to download the Hyper-Q library? This library is a machine learning munitition as defined by the US Department of Commerce. Downloads for this software are strictly limited to authorized United States citizens and citizens of authorized countries only. What does it mean to be a citizen of an authorized country? Check the US Department of Commerce export control list for details. What does it mean to be an authorized United States citizen? That's a citizen who has not been restricted from using the Internet, World Wide Web, by any law court at the state or federal level.

A download key is required to continue to the download option for this software. Without that key you are not authorized to download or possess the software.

What about researchers or people at learning facilities who want to teach about it? Send us email and make your case.

Enter Your Download Key

Downloads of this software are monitored. When you download the software we log when you did it, from what IP address you did it from, and the time of day that it was downloaded. If you share the download key without persons outside of your licensed group then you are engaging in software piracy which is a federal crime, or many crimes depending on the scale of your malfeasance.

Highly Capable and Extensible

  • Scalable to a variety of state representations.
  • C# and .NET compatible and capable of running without any GPU.
  • Supports Dyna replay.
  • Has positive/negative feedback memory selection.
  • Supports epsilon and alpha decay with customizable decay functions.
  • Extensible action selector with default min/max selectors.
  • Memory intensive library with marginal CPU requirements.
  • Requires Microsoft's .NET platform

Beyond Ordinary HyperQ Pricing

This is a subscription product that is paid yearly on a per-product integration basis. This product can not be embedded into a product that is given away for free. The library requires internet access to verify licensing. If it can not connect to our licensing servers then it will disable itself.

This is an Artificial Intelligence product that is regulated by the US Department of Commerce. This technology and any software or service derived from it is export controlled and cannot be distributed to regions that are on the export exclusion list.

  • .NET 4.8 or better, .NET 6/7/8
  • Licensed per-product integration (not per-developer)
  • $120,000 per year for a web delivered service, OR
  • $60,000 per year for an embedded external product, OR
  • $10,000 per year for an internal-use only product.
  • Want to add Dyna for your training? $5,000 per year additional cost
  • Wanna talk to a human? 50% of your licensed cost, per year, for that level of support.
  • Want the source code? $2,000,000 with limited usage rights