Beyond Ordinary SchemaExplorer®

Find that esoteric mnemonic, construct XPaths for query, lean those schemas!
Beyond Ordinary SchemaExplorer®

The SchemaExplorer® is a productivity tool designed to help the insurance enterprise in their adoption of the ACORD message standard.  This tool's current release focuses on Property and Casualty, but can support other types of insurance as needed.

Desktop Application

This tool is a desktop application that you install on your own machine. A rare treat! No internet is required to run this tool. You will need either an ACORD schema dump file, or a biztalk schema file.

The schema explorer interface
What Can You Do?

You can learn how to lookup data elements in the ACORD message format. From those elements, you can learn how to map the mnemonics to useful descriptors. If you're looking for a specific data element, you can search through the schema's comments to find something that matches what you are looking for.

  • Reduces the amount of time necessary to learn the ACORD standard
  • Keep your staff up to date on the latest releases of the ACORD standard
  • Eliminate the need to manually search the ACORD documentation
  • Allows you to search the entire ACORD standard in seconds
  • Helps you create XPATH queries for incorporation into your XSL style sheets
  • Requires Microsoft's .NET platform
  • Supports DUMP files, Schema (XSD) files, and BizTalk XDR files!
  • Makes insurance fun again!
BEYOND ORDINARY SchemaExplorer® Pricing

Not a subscription! This is a single-fee desktop license. There is a 25% subscription fee if you want updates or support.


Download A Trial Today

  • .NET 4.7.2 or better
  • $19 per user. $5 per year, per user, for support.
  • Wanna talk to a human? 50% of your licensed cost, per year, for that level of support.